Project Description

Nuit à Venise

Eugénie Lefebvre et Jehanne Amzal : sopranos / Julia Beaumier : mezzo / Paulin Bündgen : alto / Clément Debieuvre et Sébastien Obrecht : ténors / François Joron et Guillaume Olry : basses
7 instrumentists

Venise was certainly one of the highest art and music place in the XVIth and XVIIth centuries. And one of the most coveted position is choirmaster of the Saint-Marc basilica.

Some lucky persons suceeded each other in order to perpetrate the basilica prosperous musicals, and all of them were great musicians and composers who placed themselves in the continuity of the great Claudio Monteverdi.

In order to celebrate their 10th anniversary, the ensemble Les Surprises was willing to sail through the venitians waters and mix with these geniuses.

This program explores music from intimates choirs to duets or trios, with a special interest to the connections between sacred and secular, church and opera like the Contrafacta.

Created with the support of the Music National Center. 

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